Théâtre : Au Pire ça marche !
"Let us take people as they are, not as we would like them to be".
(Henri-Frédéric Amiel)
Thierry Combe parks his motor home in the centre of your village. Like a war correspondent he is on the ground. As an observer, he immerses himself, blends in. He lives among the people. He gets to know them. He wants to get answers to the questions he asks himself on subjects that are close to his heart.
The political apathy that keeps people from voting, education that fails for lack of means, social integration, health that goes through medical deserts, football that lights up the weekend or that exacerbates nationalism. All subjects that can be discussed at the end of a bar, along with purely local, small but essential matters that make up the life of a community.
With the wealth of what he has gleaned, Combe translates all this into a show that he offers to his guests for a week. We laugh, we live, we gently mock. The little flaws, the big qualities, everything is shown with empathy.
It is a theatre close to its origins. We start with a detail and end up with the universal. Everything is a stage, everything is a comedy, all it takes is for a character like Thierry Combe to raise the curtain.
Since he is coming to you, be there.
Show proposed by the Théâtre Edwige Feuillère.
Recommended for ages 10 and up
Thursday 8, Friday 9 and Saturday 10 June at 9.30pm.
Prices: 6€ / 3€ (-18 years old and inhabitants of the Communauté de Communes de la Haute Comté).
- Reduced rate (For under 18s and residents of the Communauté de Communes de la Haute Comté.)